Through the AfterHours on Main initiative, LMS is offering a one-time grant of over $40,000 in funds to assist in the launch/operation of a micro-distillery and tasting room in downtown Lovington. Additionally, LMS will serve as a direct liaison for the entrepreneur with the local government through all permitting, licensing, etc. Selection of the business that will open and operate a micro-distillery and/or a tasting room will be a competitive process, with only one business selected to receive funding and assistance.
Expression of Interest
Entrepreneurs interested in applying may submit an Expression of Interest letter to LMS. All responses must be sent electronically to director@lovingtonmainstreet.org with the subject line “RFEI AfterHours on Main 2023.” Letters must be received by Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, by 3:00 pm.
The submitted request for expression of interest should be limited to two pages and attached to an email as a PDF document. Letters must include the following information:
- Business Name
- Primary Contact Name and Title
- Primary Phone Number
- Primary Email
- Physical Business Address
- Are you currently operating a distillery in New Mexico?
- Are you currently operating any tasting rooms in New Mexico? If yes, please list their locations.
- If not, are you willing to open a distillery in New Mexico?
- How does a micro-distillery and/or tasting room in Lovington, NM, align with your 5-to-10-year growth goals?
- What additional assistance will you need to open and operate a micro-distillery and/or tasting room in Lovington, NM?
I Sent my Letter of Interest for AfterHours on Main. What’s Next?
Businesses and entrepreneurs who submit an Expression of Interest letter and are deemed a good fit for the AfterHours on Main initiative will be invited for a familiarity tour of the area. Lovington MainStreet will provide one hotel night and a $150 travel stipend to participate in the familiarity tour. Attendees will meet local business development organizations, elected officials, and businesses. Invitees will also receive additional background information and market data.
Following the tour, businesses/entrepreneurs must submit a formal proposal to be considered for funding.